Evan G. Greenberg

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Chubb Limited / Chubb Group

John Keogh

President and Chief Operating Officer, Chubb Group

John Lupica

Vice Chairman, Chubb Group
Executive Chairman, North America Insurance

Paul McNamee

Executive Vice President, Chubb Group
President, Overseas General Insurance

Juan Luis Ortega

Executive Vice President, Chubb Group
President, North America Insurance

Timothy Boroughs

Executive Vice President, Chubb Group
Chief Investment Officer

Julie Dillman

Executive Vice President, Chubb Group
Senior Executive, Operations, Technology and Digital Transformation

Peter Enns

Executive Vice President, Chubb Group
Chief Financial Officer

Rainer Kirchgaessner

Executive Vice President, Chubb Group
Global Corporate Development Officer

Frances D. O'Brien

Executive Vice President, Chubb Group
Chief Risk Officer

Sean Ringsted

Executive Vice President, Chubb Group
Chief Digital Business Officer and Chief Analytics Officer

Joseph Wayland

Executive Vice President, Chubb Group
General Counsel

David Furby

Senior Vice President, Chubb Group
Regional President, Europe, Middle East and Africa
Division President, Chubb Global Markets

Marcos Gunn

Senior Vice President, Chubb Group
Regional President, Asia Pacific

Bryce Johns

Senior Vice President, Chubb Group
President, Chubb Life 

Cheryl Krauss

Senior Vice President, Chubb Group
Chief Communications Officer

Christopher A. Maleno

Senior Vice President, Chubb Group
Vice Chairman, North America Insurance
Division President, North America Field Operations

Matthew Merna

Senior Vice President, Chubb Group
Division President, North America Major Accounts

Scott A. Meyer

Senior Vice President, Chubb Group
Chief Operating Officer, North America Insurance

Paul O'Connell

Senior Vice President, Chubb Group
Chief Actuary

Margaret Peloso

Senior Vice President, Chubb Group
Global Climate Officer and Executive Director of the Chubb Charitable Foundation

Jo Ann Rabitz

Senior Vice President, Chubb Group
Global Human Resources Officer

Ana Robic

Senior Vice President, Chubb Group
Division President, North America Personal Risk Services

Ben Rockwell

Senior Vice President, Chubb Group
Division President, North America Middle Market

Drew Spitzer

Treasurer, Chubb

Derek Talbott

Senior Vice President, Chubb Group
Division President, North America Property and Specialty Lines

James E. Wixtead

Senior Vice President, Chubb Group
President, Chubb Tempest Re Group

Scott Arnold

Vice President, Chubb Group
Division President, Chubb Agriculture
President, Rain and Hail

Judy Gonsalves

Vice President, Chubb Group
Division President, Chubb Bermuda

Annmarie Hagan

Vice President, Chubb Group
Chief Financial Officer of Operations & Technology and Transformation

Stephen Haney

Vice President, Chubb Group
Division President, North America Surety
Chief Underwriting Officer, Global Surety

Michael Jones

Vice President, Chubb Group
Global Operations Officer and Head of North America Operations and Technology

Michael Kessler

Vice President, Chubb Group
Division President, Global Cyber Risk

Thomas Kropp

Vice President, Chubb Group
International Operations and Technology

David Lupica

Vice President, Chubb Group
Division President, Westchester

Gordon Mackechnie

Vice President, Chubb Group
Global Head of Technology

Michael C. Mollica

Vice President, Chubb Group
Division President, North America Financial Lines

Yancy Molnar

Vice President, Chubb Group
Co-Head, Global Government Affairs

George Ohsiek

Vice President, Chubb Group
Chief Accounting Officer

John Thompson

Vice President, Chubb Group
Division President, Personal Insurance, Overseas General Insurance

Karen Valanzano

Vice President, Chubb Group
Co-Head, Global Government Affairs