
A partnership with Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation delivers support where it’s needed most

cards for kindness

Chubb volunteers contribute annually to the powerful collective impact of the insurance industry.

Chubb invests in the well-being of our local communities through charitable grants, volunteerism, matching gifts and scholarship programs.  Our ongoing partnership with the Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation (IICF) amplifies our efforts to help people and communities in times of need.  IICF has been the philanthropic arm of the insurance industry since 1994.


As an IICF partner, Chubb contributes to the powerful collective impact of the insurance industry.  We annually support IICF campaigns, events and forums on a local and national level. Our employees engage with IICF through board membership, donations and volunteerism.


Chubb employees from across the United States took part in the IICF 2021 Week of Giving, joining other industry professionals in volunteer projects and service that benefit local non-profits. Employees participated in various capacities — virtually, at home with their families, and in-person with colleagues.


For the 2021 Week of Giving, virtual initiatives included collaborating on the Missing Maps Project. Each year, disasters around the world kill nearly 100,000 and affect or displace 200 million people. Many of the places where these disasters occur are literally missing from open and accessible maps, and first responders lack the information to make valuable decisions regarding relief efforts. Chubb volunteers helped the Missing Maps Project by contributing data to OpenStreetMap (OSM) so that individuals, communities and organizations can better prepare and respond.


Still more employees opted to volunteer from home, writing letters to organizations like A Million Thanks, to show their gratitude to U.S. military members and their families.  Others decorated paper lunch bags to be filled by Kids’ Meals with food for hungry children.


In Chubb offices across the country, people stepped up to help make a difference in their communities. For many, this was the first opportunity to safely volunteer in-person since the COVID-19 pandemic began. In Dallas, we volunteered at Dallas-Fort Worth Veteran Cemetery, cleaning and beautifying the grounds. Chubb’s Commercial Insurance team in New York City came together in the office to support City Meals, writing thoughtful cards to city residents experiencing loneliness and isolation due to the pandemic. In San Francisco, we packaged 1,120 meals provided to those in need by Project Open Hand. In Philadelphia, we volunteered at the Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia ReStore, sorting donations, tagging retail items, and organizing the store to ensure the retail outlet can efficiently generate profits that will go back to building and repairing homes across the city of Philadelphia.


Our philanthropic engagement is part of a shared vision to conduct ourselves and our business in a manner that respects the human rights and dignity of all, with an enduring commitment to give back and make a difference.


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