
Improving education and expanding opportunities for all children

elementary students going to school

Teach For All is creating a new generation of educators, amplifying opportunities for students in low-income communities.

Teach For All, a global network that recruits and develops teachers and future leaders in under-resourced areas, is working to improve academic opportunities for all children. In the process, it’s helping drive real change in the communities that need it most.


A global network of 50 independent, locally led partner groups, Teach For All recruits talented individuals who agree to teach for a minimum of two years in their own areas' schools. After their teaching stint ends, Teach For All’s global organization continues to support these burgeoning leaders, helping them pursue meaningful careers as educators, policy makers, or social entrepreneurs. With a sustainable framework for education in place, new opportunities can emerge.


Chubb first partnered with Teach For All in 2018, when it contributed $940,000 to help support the recruitment and training of incoming teachers in underserved parts of the U.S. as well as in other areas where Chubb operates, including Colombia, Mexico and Thailand.


The Chubb Charitable Foundation has since expanded its partnership with Teach For All. Chubb has provided $2.4 million to Teach For All’s network partners, helping improve access to education for underprivileged children while also developing the leadership potential of their teachers. To date, Chubb has helped Teach For All recruit and train more than 2,300 teachers.


For Chubb, Teach For All exemplifies the company’s commitment to supporting clearly defined projects that solve problems with measurable and sustainable outcomes.


"We’re proud of our relationship with Teach For All and support the important work the organization is doing,” says Lori Dunstan, Vice President, Global Corporate Giving at Chubb. “Across the network, they are creating a whole generation of engaged teachers and future leaders. And that amplifies the opportunities for their students, who become better equipped to shape a brighter future for themselves and their entire communities.”

Delivering widespread support

In the U.S., the Chubb Charitable Foundation’s grant funded Teach For America's regional summer training institutes in New York City and Los Angeles for new teaching recruits, known as "corps members." It has also supported teachers in New York City public schools and a fellowship for Los Angeles corps members who will continue to teach beyond their two-year commitment


In Colombia and Mexico, the Foundation has supported training institutes for network partners Enseña por Colombia and Enseña por México, as well as ongoing efforts to recruit, retain and develop teaching participants and alumni leaders.


In Thailand, the grant has enabled Teach For Thailand to have a greater impact on student growth while cultivating a thriving alumni community.


“We are deeply grateful to the Chubb Charitable Foundation for its partnership," said Wendy Kopp, CEO and Co-Founder of Teach for All. "With their support, we have been able to strengthen the recruitment and development of our network's teachers and leaders. Chubb will help us invest in initiatives that will further strengthen our impact on students and communities."


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